What is Reiki and how can it change your life

So what is Reiki?
How does it work?
How can you use it in your daily life?
Why should you be intrigued by it?

Reiki (“ray-key”) - is composed of two Japanese words meaning “universal life force energy”
-“REI” -means universal, present everywhere at the same time, spiritual consciousness
-“KI” -means life force energy, non-physical vitality that gives life to all living things, which is necessary for overall wellbeing (this is the same as “Chi” in Chinese culture, “Prana” in Sanskrit).

This ancient healing modality was rediscovered in Japan by Dr. Mikao Usui in the 1920’s. Reiki itself is not affiliated with religion or God, yet it is found in many religions being called by various titles; such as the Holy Spirit in Christianity.

Reiki is an energy system and a way to channel life force energy from the hands of the practitioner to the client (or to yourself). It is a way to connect to the universal life force, regardless what you believe in (God, Universe, Source, the Divine, the Collect Consciousness).

When activated, Reiki addresses the body, mind and spirit by accelerating one’s ability to heal both physical ailments and emotional imbalances. Reiki has its own intelligence in healing what is meant to be healed, even if the practitioner or client don't know. Essentially once the Reiki is "turned on", it shifts what needs to be shifted, opens what needs to be opened and releases what needs to be released.

Reiki is used for more than just a stress reduction and relaxation. It is a holistic healing modality that works on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

i) The Physical Level = Reiki supports and accelerates your body’s natural healing capabilities. For example: it reduces the sensation of pain, improves immune function and regulates the nervous system to reduce cortisol levels in the body.

ii) The Emotional Level = Reiki helps process and release negative emotions to promote balance, kindness and compassion creating the sense of spaciousness in the mind and body.

iii) The Mental Level = Reiki allows mental chatter to be released cultivating a deep state of relaxation and inner peace as you let go of unnecessary stories, limiting beliefs and overthinking.

iv) The Spiritual Level = Reiki increases your capacity to love yourself and others while creating opportunities to look within, dive into personal growth and make peace with the past. Reiki is the perfect gateway drug to deepen your relationship with the Universe/God, developing your intuition and exploring greater depths of your healing journey.

Why should everyone be Reiki certified?
You are an energetic being living in an energetic world. Everything is energy, everything is interacting at all times and some energy doesn't feel good to experience.

If you are reading this, chances are you are an empathy and highly sensitive person. You may have been shamed for your sensitivities and you may have grown to resent this aspect of yourself. Your sensitivities are your superpower and the opportunity to experience life on a deeper level. You do need some guidance on how to manage your energy and the energy of the world around you.

This is where Reiki comes in... once you are a Reiki practitioner, you can zip up your energy when you are out and about in the world so when you come home you don't feel exhausted and drained. You keep your energy safe, you keep the energies of others away from you and you feel safe and protected as you move through life. Feeling is a beautiful gift, but you do need to know how to do it without affecting your energetic, emotional and mental health.

Reiki is also the most beautiful self care and healing tool.
Think of it as the magic touch you can sprinkle all over your life... you have a headache - Reiki it. You cut your finger while cutting vegetables - Reiki it, you are stuck in traffic - Reiki it, you have an important event - Reiki it. Anything and everything can be Reiki-ed and I promise, life will feel a lot smoother, gentler and abundant. (This is a very, very short list of how you can use Reiki daily!).

If you got to the end of this post, chances are Reiki has already found you. That's how it works.
One day, you have never heard of Reiki and the next day you see it pop up everywhere and it is constantly on your mind. That's what happened to me and that's what I usually hear from my clients:

"Ok, this is going to sound strange... I don't know what Reiki actually is but I need to be certified in it".

YUP! If I had a dime for every time I heard this sentence... heheh!

Alright my love, the ball is in your court.
Will you accept your invitation to become a Reiki practitioner?

The gentle nudge is there for a reason, it isn't supposed to make sense and I promise it will turn out better than you could ever imagine.

Get Reiki Level 1 certified.
Get Reiki Level 2 certified.
Get Reiki Master certified.

Book a call with me.
Listen to the podcast.

Timea Urban